Fashion trends for summer, polka dot clothes

Fashion trends for summer, polka dot clothes

Fashion trend for summer , the style called Petit-Pois is nothing more than a refined and fashionable way of referring to the clothes with polka dots. Whether they are big or small, the balls will be the hit of next season , get ready for a round, round summer.

This fashion will be really fun and the best thing is that it can be used by all types of women , as long as you take care of some details. Fuchsia, for example, may opt for a ribbon with small balls while the thinner can abuse large and exaggerated balls.
For those who do not like this type of wave, you can choose only an accessory such as a bag or a scarf with polka dots. The opposite can also happen; For those who love this look half-full 60, you can choose a look completely Petit-Pois, as long as the accessories are of a single color and shades similar to the chosen clothing.


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