February 5, National Mammography Day

February 5, National Mammography Day

Celebrated on February 5, more than a date to be celebrated, National Mammography Day is an opportunity to reflect , discuss and act to improve the breadth and quality in performing this examination, which is the most effective for diagnosing breast cancer .

According to data from the National Cancer Institute (INCA), breast cancer is the second most frequent type in the world, and the most common among women, and presents a rate of 22% of new cases each year . However, when the disease is diagnosed early, the chances of success in treatment are great.
In Brazil, the mortality rate due to breast cancer is still high. According to INCA research, in 2008 almost 12 thousand deaths were registered . In 2010, the institute estimates the appearance of more than 49,000 new cases.

From the age of 40 the risk of disease incidence increases , so doctors recommend from this age on mammography is done annually. However, a large portion of the female population does not have access to diagnostic services.
National Mammography Day was created in 2004 by Senator Lúcia Vânia, at the request of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) – a legitimate representative of the Brazilian radiologist – with the objective of encouraging the development of mammography in Brazil. This date was chosen in honor of Saint Agatha, protector of breast diseases and patron saint of mastologists .

Search by quality

Another important discussion to be addressed during the National Mammography Day is the reliability of the services provided to the Brazilian population in the public and private spheres , as well as the concern with the correct distribution, maintenance and use of mammography devices.

The excellent conditions of the services have been demanded and obtained through the National Commission of Quality in Mammography of the CBR since 1992, with the creation of the Program of Certification of Quality in Mammography, that works with autonomy, character of inclusion and without punitive characteristics. The work of its representative members and extensive experience in the specialty has contributed decisively to the evolution of the method.

The CBR provides programs generated and controlled by the medical class itself, with affordable costs and avoiding the emergence of parallel companies to exploit the segment. The use of the quality seals issued by the College gives doctors, population and health care providers greater safety in the results of the examinations and a differential for certified services.


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